{free} Printable Postcards

Combining my two favorite things, traveling and graphic design– I created these postcards to send to friends and family while I was away!

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The other day, I found myself saying, “my life is on the computer.”

This wouldn’t be an uncommon thing to hear from a college student (I still like to call myself that) or anyone of my generation. Everything from school work, news, searching for jobs, to entertainment is done on a computer now.

It’s funny because I used to feel a sense of guilt when I was on the computer for too long (maybe the dial-up days had something to do with it), but I don’t feel that anymore. I start to feel like I’m falling behind if I haven’t been on a computer all day.

I was required to do some sketches of letter forms in my typography class the other day, and it made me miss drawing. I miss creating with my hands.

I was worried about what I would do in the summer when I’m outside tanning in the sun and I can’t have my lap top with me. I think I’ve found the solution.

Macha Kit Kats


See, I’ll have a Kit Kat every now and then if it’s around, but I don’t really seek them out at the store. It is one kind of candy bars I prefer (close second to Twix bars) more than others though. These MACHA green tea Kit Kats are not the kind of Kit Kats you find in your trick or treat bags. I hunted these down from the Narita airport (Tokyo) all the way to Hong Kong. They taste nothing like normal Kit Kats. It’s milk chocolate with macha (ground up green tea leaves) powder and because of this, the texture isn’t even like chocolate so I don’t even know why they’re so good.

The packaging for Japanese Kit Kats are so much fancier (and they’re more expensive) than we ones we see in the states. So much more variety too. I know the states have dark and white chocolate, but in Japan they have strawberry, blueberry cheesecake, and macha! Who knew Kit Kats had a fancy and cultural side?

An Update!

Okay, let’s talk about the elephant in the room… I have been MIA for the past 4 months! Here are my lame excuses…

I’ve been on the job hunt non-stop, spending more time developing my portfolio, and expanding my resume! Mostly it’s been a lot of this. http://www.buzzfeed.com/annaesanders/top-31-reasons-why-the-job-search-sucks-as-told-b-a05v

And of course, I get itchy from the travel bug so  I’ve been back to Copenhagen for Christmas and Hong Kong for Spring Break!

I’ve also started school again! I’m now studying Graphic Design or if you wanna get real fancy, “Visual Communication Technology- Graphic Design and Production Art with a specialization in Marketing”. I’m lovin’ what I’m doin’ there.

Pumpkin massacre!

One chilly day, my friends and I slipped on our rain boots and headed off to the pumpkin farm!

I don’t remember the last time I was at a pumpkin farm. I didn’t know that they cut the pumpkins from their vines and just leave them scattered all over the field. Just dead pumpkins everywhere.

We munched on kettle corn and picked out our favorite pumpkin corpse.

This is not the pumpkin I picked.

If I had a farm, I’d fill it with little lights. Maybe zombies too.

We all wheel-barreled our pumpkins to the cashier where they were priced by size. Mine was 3 dollars, I think. We got home and hosed down our little babies, but after that, I really didn’t know what I bought a pumpkin for…

The best part of the day was this pumpkin donut I got. Pumpkin donut with cream cheese frosting that is.